Mark Walsh, CEO, Rogue Engineering

Mark Walsh, CEO, Rogue Engineering

Your help in finding the right sales leader gives us the opportunity to finally begin growing the company beyond our current customer base. After reading through all of the resumes as they came in, I was amazed at your ability to see through the fluff in the typical...
Alan Jenks, Owner Gulf Coast Flooring

Alan Jenks, Owner Gulf Coast Flooring

Over three plus years, Jerry has supported the growth of our Company in two ways: 1) By developing and helping us implement our strategic plan of managed growth and 2) By recruiting key positions at all levels of our operations. Jerry has been always very...
Gary Bronner, Chief Operating Officer, Avalon Advisors

Gary Bronner, Chief Operating Officer, Avalon Advisors

Our firm recently engaged Jerry Llewellyn to help us put into place an Employee Incentive Plan for our Operations and Administrative group. He interviewed each team member and facilitated brainstorming sessions that allowed the team to have input in building the...